Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Sell then Buy in Virginia?

Do you need to sell your home before you can buy a home in Virginia? Which one do you do first? Bridge loans? Home sale contingency? I cover it all in the video.

Make sure to leave a comment (either on Youtube, or here).

By Frank Borges LL0SA



More videos: Youtube Videos

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Picking an Offer Price. Vegas Odds Offer System

Ever wondered how to make an offer on a Virginia / MD/ DC Home for sale? Can you trust asking a Realtor or agent? Isn't it true... the higher you offer, the more the agent makes?

In this video I go over all those worries and introduce our system that I call "Vegas Odds." We won't tell you what to offer. Instead we will give you what we think your chances are based on a range of prices. Ultimately you, the buyer, decides what you want to offer based on your comfort level. Are you willing to lose it? Is it s a"must have." etc etc.

By Frank Borges LL0SA



More videos: Youtube Videos

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

How To Wheel Estate Cam & Virginia Bank Foreclosure Bidding Wars

The first full length (vs blooper) Wheel Estate Cam. This video talks about MLS listed Virginia bank property bidding wars. Yes, many REOs and Foreclosures on the MLS get bid up above list price.

By Frank Borges LL0SA



More videos: Youtube Videos

Saturday, August 2, 2008

The First FranklyRealty Wheel Estate Cam

The first test of the "Wheel Estate Cam". The idea was inspired by Ian Watt (dashboard mounted) in Canada.

Note the Popeye tshirt.